
Andrew Stine
9555 Tapok Dr. #204
Man­as­sas, VA. 20110
(703) 586-3795


A soft­ware devel­oper with six years expe­ri­ence in soft­ware devel­op­ment, pro­gram­ming, and sys­tem admin­is­tra­tion. Expe­ri­ence devel­op­ing in Java, Perl, and SQL on enter­prise level soft­ware projects par­tic­u­larly deal­ing with stor­age solu­tions.


Unix/Linux, Solaris
SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL
Java, Perl, Clojure, SQL, C, XML
Emacs, Eclipse, Excel, SSRS, Visual Studio

Professional Experience

PC Mall Gov - 2009 - present
Programmer, Systems Administrator

Worked on con­tracts for the Library of Con­gress NAVCC devel­op­ing work flow solu­tions for the Library's archival needs, as well as pro­vid­ing gen­eral pro­gram­ming and sysad­min labor. Respon­si­bil­i­ties include devel­op­ing work flows (us­ing Sig­ni­ant, Perl, and other tool­s,) inven­tory soft­ware, parsers, and gen­eral mis­cel­la­neous scripts and pro­grams, gen­eral trou­bleshoot­ing, instal­la­tions and con­fig­u­ra­tions of all sorts, and many other tasks too var­ied to enu­mer­ate.

IBM - 2008 - 2009
Developer, General Developer

Worked on a enter­prise level busi­ness intel­li­gence tool which aggre­gated stor­age infor­ma­tion across a global net­work. Respon­si­bil­i­ties included gen­eral cod­ing/adding fea­tures, bug fix­es, unit test­ing and other stan­dard devel­op­ment tasks. Demon­strated abil­ity to deci­pher com­plex, undoc­u­mented sys­tems and fix eso­teric bugs with­out prior expe­ri­ence with a given code-base.

NovusCG - 2006 - 2008

Worked as an intern and junior devel­oper main­tain­ing machines and tools and assist­ing with other devel­op­ment tasks includ­ing test­ing and adding fea­tures. Demon­strated abil­ity to learn new tools quickly and adapt read­ily to chang­ing require­ments.



Chris­ten­dom Col­lege - 2004 - 2008 Bach­e­lor of Arts in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence and Eco­nom­ics Under­grad­u­ate Thesis: From Linux to YouTube: The Rise of Inter­net-Based Open Modes of Devel­op­ment for the Pro­duc­tion of Non-ri­val Goods.